OpenAPI version 0.3

Improving the OpenAPI architecture

Ashley Noel Hinton

Paul Murrell

Department of Statistics, The University of Auckland

4 February, 2016


The OpenAPI project aims to help people connect with data. OpenAPI is a software architecture for wrapping component pieces of data analysis—datasets, programming scripts, etc.—in reusable modules. These simple modules can be combined in pipelines which describe more complex data analysis workflows. Modules and pipelines are created in XML, and executed in software called a glue system. This report details the improvements made to the OpenAPI architecture between versions 0.1 and 0.3.

Version 0.1 of the OpenAPI architecture introduced the OpenAPI module XML specification for wrapping data analysis scripts. The XML specification for modules was not well-suited to wrapping scripts which had not been written with OpenAPI in mind. This report describes the changes made to the OpenAPI architecture in version 0.3. These changes include the introduction of 'vessel' elements for describing inputs and outputs to OpenAPI modules which improve the authoring of module and pipeline XML. This report also describes the introduction of a module 'host' machine which allows OpenAPI to address issues concering software dependencies; these issues affect the portability and reproducibility of data analysis workflows. Version 0.3 of the OpenAPI architecture also introduces XML Schema for module and pipeline XML, allowing module and pipeline authors to validate their files.

This report demonstrates how the changes introduced in OpenAPI v0.3 make it much easier for module authors to wrap 'wild' data analysis scripts in OpenAPI modules. This report provides examples of how OpenAPI can be used to execute data analysis code from external scripts, and even from blog posts. The report demonstrates how executing 'wild' source scripts using OpenAPI maintains a connection to the original script sources, while also allowing a module or pipeline author to extend or adapt the scripts she wraps. Wrapping data analysis scripts in module XML also allows a module author to archive versions of a script against the sometimes ephemeral nature of online resources.

The OpenAPI pipelines and modules described in this report were all created, tested and executed in conduit, a prototype OpenAPI glue system implemented as an R package. The conduit package source code is available online at The conduit package was also improved as part of this project: these changes were implemented in version 0.3 of conduit, which available for download at

This report may give the impression that OpenAPI and conduit have made the leap from version 0.1 to 0.3 without any mention of version 0.2. Many of the changes in this report were implemented in version 0.2 of OpenAPI and conduit (Hinton, 2015b). However, as version 0.3 represents a more fully realised implementation of the changes described here, only version 0.3 is mentioned within.


The following outline should serve as a map to the various sections of this report:


As the world collects and makes available more and more data it is increasingly important for people to be able to access, understand and use this data to make decisions in their lives. Government initiatives like the New Zealand Government Open Access and Licensing framework (NZGOAL), and have made more government and public data available online (Department of Internal Affairs, 2011; Cabinet Office, 2010).

Almost all newly available data is provided online digitally, in a variety of proprietary and open file formats; these files can be read into various commercial and open software applications where the user can manipulate the data, perform analyses on them, and produce various summaries and graphics describing the data. A key challenge in helping people to connect with data is that even with freely accessible data and freely available software tools the data user still needs a host of skills to make use of the data, and of the tools. Hinton and Murrell (2015a) suggest that, as well as access to data, the following are required for people to fully connect with data:

It is understandably very rare to find someone who is the master of all of these skills, however, and it is perhaps too demanding to expect an everyday person to be expert in even one of these categories. One solution to this problem is to design software which provides many of these skills for the user, and which allows users to share what skills they have with other users. OpenAPI takes a different approach; as described in Hinton (2015a) the OpenAPI architecture is designed to help solve this problem by being:

Perhaps most importantly, the OpenAPI architecture is intended to make it easy to incorporate existing resources, like data analysis scripts, without the authors of these scripts having to be aware of OpenAPI at all.

The OpenAPI architecture

The OpenAPI architecture consists of XML specifications for 'module' and 'pipeline' files: module XML files wrap scripts of programming code which describe tasks in data analysis; pipeline XML files describe how to connect and combine the inputs and outputs from several modules as a data workflow. The OpenAPI architecture also specifies requirements for software which can create, interpret, and execute modules and pipelines; an instance of such software is called a 'glue system' (Hinton & Murrell, 2015a).

A <module> is the smallest piece in the OpenAPI system. A module XML file wraps a data script, specifies the platform or language in which this script can be executed, and names the inputs required and the outputs produced by this script (Hinton & Murrell, 2015a).

A <pipeline> XML file describes how a module's outputs are to be connected to the inputs of other modules; the output of one module can be provided as the input of another module through a <pipe> element. Executing a pipeline results in the execution of all the wrapped module scripts contained within (Hinton & Murrell, 2015a).

Modules and pipelines are executed by a software 'glue system'. An OpenAPI glue system is responsible for ensuring that a module's inputs are satisfied, and that its outputs can be resolved. The glue system is responsible for providing one module's output as another module's inputs as described by a pipeline XML file (Hinton & Murrell, 2015a). The conduit package is a prototype OpenAPI glue system written in R. Version 0.1 of conduit (Hinton & Murrell, 2015b) was released in February 2015.

The following is a simple example of a pipeline, written in OpenAPI v0.3. First, the module XML file, 'module1.xml':

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<module xmlns="" language="R">
    <script><![CDATA[x <- rnorm(10)]]></script>
  <output name="x">
    <internal symbol="x"/>
    <format formatType="text">R numeric vector</format>

This module wraps a source script which produces a vector of ten random numbers in R, called 'x', and labels this as a module output. A second module XML file, 'module2.xml':

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<module xmlns="" language="R">
  <input name="numbers">
    <internal symbol="numbers"/>
    <format formatType="text">R numeric vector</format>
  <output name="Rplots.pdf">
    <file ref="Rplots.pdf"/>
    <format>PDF file</format>

This module requires an input, called 'numbers'. The module source script creates a plot of this input in R, and labels the PDF file of the plot created as an output, called 'plot'. The following pipeline XML connects these two modules:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<pipeline xmlns="">
  <component name="module1" type="module">
    <file ref="module1.xml"/>
  <component name="module2" type="module">
    <file ref="module2.xml"/>
    <start component="module1" output="x"/>
    <end component="module2" input="numbers"/>

This pipeline loads each module as a component, and connects the 'x' output from 'module1' to the 'numbers' input from 'module2' using a pipe element. When this pipeline is executed by a glue system 'module1' will be executed first; its output, 'x', will be made available to 'module2', which will then be executed.

The OpenAPI architecture attempts to improve the accessibility and reusability of data sources and computer scripts, particularly scripts for working with data, by providing multiple methods of contributing to a solution, at multiple levels of skill and expertise. The next section describes some of the problems with the version 0.1 of the OpenAPI architecture.

Problems in OpenAPI version 0.1

Version 0.1 of the OpenAPI XML specification of pipeline and module XML files was described in Hinton and Murrell (2015a). A key feature of the OpenAPI architecture is that it should allow users to wrap scripts—especially those authored by someone else—without having a high knowledge of the script's programming language. An ideal situation is that a module author should only have to know the names and formats of the resources that a script requires in order to be executed (its inputs), and the names and formats of the resources it produces which the author may want to consume or retrieve (its outputs). Most existing scripts—'wild' scripts—will not have been written with OpenAPI in mind, and so the OpenAPI architecture must be able to cope with this.

In this section we will describe several problems with OpenAPI version 0.1, including:

This specification was implemented in version 0.1 of the conduit package. This implementation suffers from problems with:

We will then describe how these problems make OpenAPI version 0.1 unsuitable for transparently wrapping and executing 'wild' data scripts by way of two examples.

Specifying module input and output elements

The module XML specification used in OpenAPI version 0.1 requires that module <input> and <output> elements have a 'name' and a 'type' attribute; type can be either "internal" or "external". In the following code we see an example of an internal-type input and an external-type output:

  <platform name="R"/>
  <input name="a" type="internal"/>
  <source><![CDATA[data <- myFun(a)
  <output name="dataplot" type="external" ref="example.png"/>

An internal-type input or output is an object which is particular to the module's platform—the above example is executed in the "R" platform. A platform's internal objects should be able to be referenced by a symbol. An object is internal to a platform if it can be referenced and accessed by its symbol within the platform and without having to pass the object through the filesystem or some other storage or transmission format. In R these internal objects are common R objects, e.g. vectors and data frames; in Python these are common objects like strings or lists.

In the above example the input specification indicates that the module source script requires there to be an R object available with symbol "a"; the glue system will also use the name "a" to reference this input in pipelines.

An external-type input or output is independent of the module's platform. In OpenAPI version 0.1 these objects are files on the local filesystem. A module with an external-type output will produce a resource at the location given by the 'ref' attribute; this location could be an absolute file location or a relative file location. A relative file location indicates the file produced will be created relative to the output location of the module when it is executed, the details of which are implemented by a glue system (Hinton & Murrell, 2015a); 'path' attributes are not defined for external-type outputs. A module with an external-type input indicates that the module source scripts expect there to be a resource available on execution, the location of which is available to the scripts using the symbol indicated by the 'name' attribute; this resource location is provided by the glue system when executing a pipeline which connects this input to an external-type module output.

In the above example the output specification says that the module source will produce a file object at relative file location "example.png"; the name "dataplot" will be used by a glue system to reference this output in pipelines.

Names and symbols

The first problem with this specification for input and output types is the conflation between an internal-type input's name, as it is referenced by a glue system, and its symbol. A module author is forced to use the same value for the input's 'name' as the symbol used in the source scripts to access this resource. This restriction can be seen in the module XML example above: the module has an input named "a", and the module's source script refers to a symbol, "a". If the module author wanted to call her input something more meaningful in the context of her pipeline, e.g. "cleaned_dates", she would have to change the symbol reference throughout the source scripts to "cleaned_dates":

  <platform name="R"/>
  <input name="cleaned_dates" type="internal"/>
  <source><![CDATA[data <- myFun(cleaned_dates)

Alternatively, she could prepend the source script with a line assigning her preferred name to the symbol used in the source script, for example:

<source><![CDATA[a <- cleaned_dates
data <- myFun(a)

Now the author is free to name her module input "cleaned_dates", but she must name it this, or alter the source script again. This limitation restricts the reusability of modules, and forces the author to have knowledge of language of any source scripts she might wish to use.

Module authors are similarly constrained in naming internal-type module outputs; the 'name' specified in the output element must match a symbol available after the execution of the source scripts. This imposes the same restrictions as mentioned above: a module author must either conform to the symbol names given in the source script in naming internal-type module outputs, or she must modify the source scripts so as to ensure a symbol with her preferred name exists.

Passing external objects into modules

A second issue involves the use of external-type module inputs. OpenAPI version 0.1 makes external object resources available to module source scripts by creating an object which contains the resource location before the execution of the module's source script. If a module needs a CSV file for script execution, the script must refer to the CSV file location using a symbol matching the input's 'name' when it is accessed in code.

As an example, the following R script demonstrates how a script author might normally refer to a CSV file found at resource location "bigdata.csv":

if (file.exists("bigdata.csv")) {
  data <- read.csv("bigdata.csv")

If a module author intended for the resource location used in a module script to be provided by another module's external-type output she must refer to the resource location using a symbol matching her module's external-type 'name' attribute, for example:

  <platform name="R"/>
  <input name="csvfile" type="external"/>
  <source><![CDATA[if (file.exists(csvfile)) {
  data <- read.csv(csvfile)

On execution of a pipeline including this module the conduit glue system resolves the external-type input resource by prepending the module's source scripts with an assignment to the symbol given by 'name':

csvfile <- "bigdata.csv" # prepended by glue system

## original source script follows ##
if (file.exists(csvfile)) {
  data <- read.csv(csvfile)

This makes writing modules with external-type inputs an unnecessary burden on the module author as she must carefully alter the source script. Even if the author has knowledge of the language in which the script is written it is likely that the changes required to alter a script in this fashion will not be typical of how scripts in this language are composed.

Starting with an external input

A third problem with the OpenAPI v0.1 module specification is the difficulty of running a module with an external-type input in isolation; an equivalent problem is running a pipeline where the first module requires an external-type input. An external-type <input> element does not contain any information about where the file resource can be found; this location is resolved by the glue system when a pipeline is executed; an external-type module input can only be provided by another module's external type module output. In a pipeline the originating module's output is connected by a pipe to the consuming module's input. The originating external-type output contains a 'ref' attribute, which the glue system uses to resolve the location of the external resource. As external-type module inputs do not contain 'ref' attributes the glue system has no way of resolving a resource location from module XML alone.

Consider the following module, which requires a CSV file as an external-type input, and produces an R data frame as an internal-type output:

  <platform name="R" />
  <input name="csvfile" type="external">
    <format>CSV file</format>
    <![CDATA[bigdata <- read.csv(csvfile)]]>
  <output name="bigdata" type="internal">
    <format>R data frame</format>

If a module author wanted to supply a local file, '/home/bigauthor/data/bigdata.csv', as an input to this module she cannot do so using the module XML available. The author could provide a module with no inputs or sources which names the file location as a 'dummy' external-type output:

  <platform name="R" />
  <output name="bigdata.csv" type="external" ref="/home/bigauthor/data/bigdata.csv">
    <format>CSV file</format>

The module author can execute her new module by executing a pipeline connecting these two modules. However she cannot easily execute her module in isolation. To execute her module on its own she could remove the external-type input and explicitly reference the CSV file in her module source script:

  <platform name="R" />
    <![CDATA[bigdata <- read.csv("/home/bigauthor/data/bigdata.csv")]]>
  <output name="bigdata" type="internal">
    <format>R data frame</format>

This module can now be run in isolation. However it is now only usable at the start of a pipeline, and cannot receive other module outputs as an input. Any subsequent user of the module will have to edit the module's source script to change data sources, rather than altering the module inputs. This has the undesirable effect of solving the problem of starting a pipeline from a data file by sacrificing the reusability of the module.

Files, URIs and URLs

Though we have demonstrated some of the issues with using external-type module outputs to refer to files on the local filesystem, the implementation of the external-type module outputs in conduit version 0.1 actually treats the value of 'ref' as a uniform resource identifier (URI). The conduit package assumes this URI will use the file:// scheme, however, no checking of scheme is done by conduit, and the value of an output's 'ref' is passed directly to any module for which a pipe connects this output to an input. As described above, conduit ensures that a symbol referencing the location given by the output's 'ref' is created prior to the execution of the source scripts; the script author is responsible for deciding how to handle this resource location, and whether to handle it using file://, http://, https://, some other URI scheme, or even as a custom character string. A glue system cannot determine what scheme is intended by an external-type output's 'ref' without parsing the value given.

Therefore, although Hinton and Murrell (2015a) did not document this fact, it is possible in conduit version 0.1 to provide URLs as external-type module outputs, and for these to be consumed by external-type module inputs. For the same reason mentioned above it is not possible to execute a module which requires an external-type input referencing a URL in isolation, nor to begin a pipeline from a URL data source without a dummy module naming a URL output.

Specifying module source elements

The module XML specification implemented in OpenAPI version 0.1 uses a 'ref' attribute in its <source> elements in a similar fashion to how it is used in module output elements: 'ref' provides a URI for a resource which contains a source script to be executed. As with module outputs the resource location provided by 'ref' is assumed to use the file:// scheme by default, but support is also included for http:// and https:// schemes. As with external-type outputs, a glue system cannot determine which scheme is used by a source's 'ref' attribute without parsing the value given.

Further, the specification for source elements is inconsistent between source elements which reference a script using the 'ref' attribute and source elements which contain the script inline as the element's content. It is possible for a source element to have both a 'ref' attribute, and to contain an inline script, as seen here:

<source ref="cleanData.R">
  <![CDATA[x <- runif(100, 1, 100)]]>

The source script referenced by "cleanData.R" might assign an entirely different value to the symbol 'x'; it would then be up to a glue system to decide how to handle this situation, as it is not obvious from the specification which script should take precedence. A module author would therefore be uncertain of the result of executing a module with such a source.

Meeting module dependencies

The current XML specification for OpenAPI modules does not include any explicit mechanism for addressing the system dependencies of the module's source scripts. The implementation requires the user to set the module's source language, called it's 'platform', using the <platform> element as in the following example:

  <platform name="R"/>

If the glue system used to execute this module supports the "R" language, the source scripts wrapped by the module will be executed in an R environment. In the above example the rgl package (Adler, Murdoch & others, 2015) is attached at the beginning of the source script; if the rgl package has not been installed in the glue system's R environment this module will likely fail to execute. One possible solution to a missing package in R (or a missing library in Python, etc.) is to change the source script to guarantee the package is available as in:

  <platform name="R"/>
  <source><![CDATA[if (!require("rgl")) {
install.packages("rgl", lib = Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER"),

Now the module source script checks to see if the rgl package is installed, and installs it if not. However, the rgl package itself has system dependencies which, if not met, will prevent the installation of the rglpackage. The OpenAPI module specification does not provide a mechanism for checking for system dependencies in such cases.

It is also very likely that module authors will wrap source scripts which depend on specific versions of software. OpenAPI v0.1 does not provide a mechanism for specifying which version of a language, or its associated libraries and packages, should be installed. Hinton and Murrell (2015a, 'Discussion') suggest that the OpenAPI XML specification could include a mechanism for running a module's source scripts on a specific host machine; this host could be set up with the module's exact software requirements, and be made available to module users. Support for host machines is not included in OpenAPI v0.1 or in conduit v0.1.

Validating module and pipeline XML

Although the XML specification was described in detail by Hinton and Murrell (2015a) only an informal test for the validity of an OpenAPI pipeline or module XML file exists: if a pipeline or module can be read and executed by the conduit package it is assumed to be valid. It is desirable to have a more formal specification and test of validity for module and pipeline XML files in the form of an XML Document Type Definition (DTD) and/or XML Schema to ensure the consistency of OpenAPI documents.

Running 'wild' source scripts

The OpenAPI architecture aims to make it easy to wrap and execute 'wild' data analysis scripts in module XML. However, several of the problems described above make this very difficult in OpenAPI v0.1. We will give two examples which highlight the difficulties in wrapping 'wild' scripts.

The first example demonstrates how a simple R script found in the 'wild' might present a challenge to an OpenAPI module author. This script was published on the University of Auckland's Statistics 330 website as supplementary code to a lecture on R graphics (Klaere, 2015). The first 21 lines of the script are:

### STATS 330/762 - Lecture 3: Graphics
### 23/07/2015
### Dr. Steffen Klaere
### Supplementary Code
### NEEDS: hb1.csv and fever_data.csv

### Change working directory
# Adapt to your own needs
setwd("<Your Directory>")

### Packages

### First example, Exchange rates
exchange <- read.csv("hb1.csv")
exchange[,1] <- as.Date(sapply(exchange[,1],function(x){paste(1,x)}),format="%d %B %Y")
plot(USD~month,data=exchange,type="l",lwd=4,col="steelblue",xlab="Date",ylab="Exchange rate",main="Exchange rate between US$ and NZ$")

As Klaere has helpfully indicates on line six, this script requires two files: 'hb1.csv' and 'fever_data.csv', both available from the course website; the first of these files is called on explicitly by its filename in line 19. These files are obvious candidates for module inputs. However, as mentioned above, there is no straightforward way of describing file inputs to an OpenAPI module—file inputs to modules must be the outputs of other modules, or the module source script must be modified to adapt to file locations. The module author is faced with both editing the source script and creating dummy module outputs simply to provide files to a script. Of course, she can simply leave the script as is, and make sure the files are in the right file location, restricting her pipeline's reusability and modularity. None of these options provides a simple way of wrapping a script for inclusion in a pipeline, or even for executing the script on its own.

If even this simple example of wrapping a source script in an OpenAPI module seems difficult, then wrapping other common 'wild' data scripts proves even more difficult. For example, it is common to find data analysis scripts, in R, Python, and other languages, embedded in blog posts, as in Figure 1.

A blog post with code chunks

Figure 1: Screen capture of a blog post containing R code chunks

In the blog post shown in Figure 1 (Cheshire, 2015) we see R code chunks mixed with descriptive text. It would not be possible to execute the entire blog post as an R script; if an author wanted to wrap this script in an OpenAPI module she must select only the parts of the blog post which contain executable R code. Even then the author must still arrange for the data file, 'wu03ew_v1.csv', and any other data dependencies, to be resolved as module inputs with all the same difficulties mentioned above.

In the next section we will describe how the problems and limitations in OpenAPI v0.1 have been addressed in OpenAPI v0.3.

Changes in OpenAPI version 0.3

One of the main aims of this project was to improve the OpenAPI XML specification to deal with the problems detailed in the previous section. This project has made improvements to the XML specification for modules and pipelines by:


As described in the previous section, the way module inputs, outputs, and sources were specified was inconsistently designed in OpenAPI v0.1. Module input and output elements featured the somewhat vague 'name' attribute, which was used inconsistently throughout v0.1. This was combined with a 'type' attribute which attempted to indicate whether an input or output was "internal" to the module's language, or "external" as in a file or URL. Output elements had 'ref' attributes to indicate the file or URL address of a module's output, but input elements had no ability to specify a particular resource using 'ref'. Module source elements also featured 'ref' attributes, but this functioned as in indicator of a file to be read into the module, and not an output produced by the module, as was the case for the 'ref' attribute in output elements.

This project introduces a new element-type in OpenAPI v0.3, which we have called 'vessel' elements. A vessel element is designed to act as a pointer to a resource which a module either consumes when executed, or produces as a consequence of its execution. A vessel is required inside each module input, output, or source element. Instead of an input or output declaring a 'type', the vessel element's name indicates the type of resource used; internal-, file-, url-, and script-type vessels have been implemented in OpenAPI v0.3. The following code demonstrates how a module input can refer to an internal resource through a vessel element:

<input name="in1">
  <internal symbol="pricelist"/>

In OpenAPI v0.3 a module input or output element now has only one attribute: 'name'. The 'name' attribute is used by OpenAPI pipeline XML and an OpenAPI glue system to indicate a specific input or output element; the 'name' attribute does not have to correspond to the way a resource is labelled within a module source script. Attributes of a module input or output's vessel element will still correspond to details inside source scripts, but a module author is no longer constrained by the naming choices of a script author.

A vessel element serves as an interface to a resource which is common across the parts of OpenAPI XML which consume or produce resources. A vessel is not intended to be the resource itself, but rather a pointer to the resource. In the case of module inputs a vessel points to a resource which should already exist at the time a module is executed; vessel elements in module outputs point to a resource which will exist after a module is executed; vessel elements in module source elements point to a reference which will be read in by an OpenAPI glue system in order to execute a module.

A vessel type can be defined for any type of resource which can be referenced by a pointer to the the resource, e.g. a file path for file resources, or a URL for resources available over a network interface. An OpenAPI glue system should provide methods for resolving each type of vessel resource it supports; a glue system does not have to be able to read from the resource indicated by a vessel, but it must be able to determine whether or not the resource indicated by a vessel can be accessed by a module's source scripts.

Vessel use in module inputs and outputs

Under OpenAPI v0.1 module input and output elements could have either an "internal" or "external" type; internal inputs and outputs pass objects native to the module's language, while external inputs and outputs pass external objects like files or URLs. OpenAPI v0.3 replaces this mechanism with several vessel elements for module inputs and outputs. The vessel types available in OpenAPI v0.3 are internal, file and url. A description of these vessel types follows.

Internal vessels

For each language supported by an OpenAPI glue system there is support for transmitting an object internal to this language from one module to another through outputs and inputs with internal vessel elements. An internal-type vessel contains a 'symbol' attribute, which indicates the symbol with which the object is associated within a module's source scripts. The following XML demonstrates how an internal-type input was described for a module input in OpenAPI v0.1:

<module language="R">
  <input name="prices" type="internal">

The following XML code demonstrates how this is now done using an internal-type vessel in OpenAPI v0.3:

<module language="R">
  <input name="prices">
    <internal symbol="pricelist"/>

This XML describes a module to be executed using R, with an input named 'prices'; an OpenAPI pipeline can describe a pipe from another module to this input using this name. The 'prices' input contains an internal-type vessel, which indicates that the resource has the symbol 'pricelist'; this indicates that the module's source scripts require an object to be available with the symbol 'pricelist'. The input 'name' and internal 'symbol' do not have to match, allowing the module author to label elements within a pipeline however she chooses without modifying the source scripts.

The next code example demonstrates how an internal-type output is described in OpenAPI v0.1:

<module language="python">
  <output name="suburbs" type="internal">

The following code demonstrates how an internal-type vessel can be used with a module output in OpenAPI v0.3:

<module language="python">
  <output name="suburbs">
    <internal symbol="suburbNames"/>

This XML describes a module to be executed using Python, with an output named 'suburbs'; an OpenAPI pipeline can connect this output to another module's input using this name. The 'suburbs' input contains an internal-type vessel which indicates that the resource has assigned to the symbol 'suburbNames'; this indicates that the module's source scripts will have produced an object internal to the python session with the symbol 'suburbName' during execution. As with module inputs, an output 'name' and internal vessel 'symbol' can be completely different, allowing a module author freedom in naming outputs without altering source scripts.

Example: names and symbols

The 'simpleGraph' pipeline demonstrates a pipeline containing modules which use internal vessel elements to pass objects between modules. This example demonstrates how internal vessels allow module input and output names to differ from the symbols assigned to the object in the source scripts. The 'createGraph.xml' module file contains the following:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<module xmlns="" language="R">
  <description>Create a simple directed graphNEL graph object with four nodes and four edges</description>
nodes <- c("a", "b", "c", "d")
edgeList <- list(a=list(edges=c("b")),
directedGraph <- new("graphNEL", nodes=nodes, edgeL=edgeList, 
  <output name="directedGraph">
    <internal symbol="directedGraph"/>
    <format formatType="text">R "graphNEL" object</format>

The source script of this module creates a "graphNEL" object called 'directedGraph' in an R session. The module declares an output, also called 'directedGraph', which uses an internal type vessel to indicate that the object with symbol name 'directedGraph' is available to other modules.

The module file 'layoutGraph.xml' contains the following:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<module xmlns="" language="R">
  <description>Lays out a graphNEL graph using the Rgraphviz package</description>
  <input name="myGraph">
    <internal symbol="myGraph"/>
    <format formatType="text">R "graphNEL" object</format>
Ragraph <- agopen(myGraph, "myGraph")]]>
  <output name="Ragraph">
    <internal symbol="Ragraph"/>
    <format formatType="text">R "Ragraph" object</format>

This module requires an input, named 'directedGraph' by the module author. This input's internal vessel element indicates that the source script requires this object to be given the symbol 'myGraph' in the R environment where the source script is executed. The pipeline file, 'simpleGraph-pipeline.xml', loads these two modules as 'createGraph' and 'layoutGraph' respectively, and connects the output from the former to the input in the latter with the following pipe:

  <start component="createGraph" output="directedGraph"/>
  <end component="layoutGraph" input="directedGraph"/>

File vessels

OpenAPI v0.1 described any module output or input object which is not internal to the module language as "external" type, which was the principal method for passing file resources between modules. OpenAPI v0.3 allows for resources to be transmitted between module outputs and inputs via the filesystem using file-type vessel elements. A file vessel element contains a 'ref' attribute and an optional 'path' attribute; the 'ref' attribute contains a file path which indicates where the file object is located; the optional 'path' attribute indicates a file path from which a glue system should search for a file matching the value in 'ref'.

Module inputs which require file resources are described in OpenAPI v0.1 as follows:

<module language="R">
  <input name="suburbIDs" type="external">

Module inputs which require file resources are described in OpenAPI v0.3 as in the following:

<module language="R">
  <input name="suburbIDs">
    <file ref="151023-table.csv"/>

This XML describes a module with an input named 'suburbIDs' which requires a file to be available at the file path '151023-table.csv'. The input 'name' is used by the glue system to identify this particular module input, and is not required to match any objects or symbols in the source scripts. A module author can use an input with a file vessel to indicate that a module requires a file with a specific name, but can refer to it descriptively within her pipeline without altering the source script.

The previous example named a relative file path, indicating that the module source scripts require a file resource be available at the file path provided, relative to the directory in which the module scripts are executed—a glue system is responsible for ensuring this file resource is available in the correct location when the module is executed; this is the situation when an input requires a file resource which is itself an output from another module. The new specification of file vessels also allows module inputs to indicate file resources with absolute file locations, as in the following example:

<module language="R">
  <input name="suburbIDs">
    <file ref="/home/biguser/datasets/matches/151023-table.csv"/>

This example demonstrates a module which requires a file resource from from the local filesystem, available at the file path '/home/biguser/datasets/matches/151023-table.csv'. As the file path provided is absolute the glue system does not need to resolve the input resource's location—this module can receive a file resource as an input without that resource coming from the output of another module. This allows a module to be executed in isolation, and allows for pipelines to be started from data stored in files.

OpenAPI v0.1 described module outputs which reference file resources as follows:

<module language="R">
  <output name="birdPicture" type="external" ref="Rplots.pdf">

Using a file-type vessel OpenAPI v0.3 describes a module output which produces a file resource as:

<module language="R">
  <output name="birdPicture">
    <file ref="Rplots.pdf"/>

This XML describes a module with an output named 'birdPicture'. This name is used by an OpenAPI glue system to refer to the a file resource produced by this module, and to provide this resource to other modules' input in a pipeline; the file resource indicated by this output has the filename 'Rplots.pdf'. The name given to the module output does not have to match the name of any object or resource in or produced by the module's source scripts, allowing a module author to name outputs as she likes without altering the source scripts. The file vessel's 'ref' attribute names the file path of a resource produced on execution of the module—the file path given by 'ref' should match the file path of a file resource produced by the source script. A glue system must be able to resolve the location of an absolute file path given by 'ref'.

It is also possible for the file-type vessel of a module output to provide an absolute file path in 'ref':

<module language="python">
  <output name="vendors">
    <file ref="/data/plots/vendors/processed.csv"/>

This XML example indicates that the module source scripts will produce a file resource at the file path '/data/plots/vendors/processed.csv'.

Example: passing external objects into modules

The introduction of a file vessel element makes it much easier for a module author to pass file objects (previously "external" type inputs) to module source scripts. The 'shellExample' pipeline provides an example of this. The module file 'plotgraphviz.xml' follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<module xmlns="" language="shell">
  <input name="dotfile">
    <file ref=""/>
    <format formatType="text">dot file</format>
    <script><![CDATA[dot -Tpng -o simpleGraph.png]]></script>
  <output name="simpleGraph.png">
    <file ref="simpleGraph.png"/>
    <format formatType="text">PNG file</format>

This module requires a file resource, '', to be available in the working directory when the module source script is executed. With the use of a file vessel element we can see that the module author can name the input anything she likes—'dotfile' in this case—and use the file vessel element to indicate the name of the file required by the script.

The introduction of file vessel elements also means it is possible for a file resource provided as another module's input to have an entirely different filename to the resource required as a module input. Consider module file 'graphtodot.xml':

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<module xmlns="" language="R">
  <input name="directedGraph">
    <internal symbol="directedGraph"/>
    <format formatType="text">R "graphNEL" object</format>
toDot(directedGraph, "")]]></script>
  <output name="dotfile">
    <file ref=""/>
    <format formatType="text">dot file</format>

This module produces an output named 'dotfile' which references a file resource with the filename ''. The pipeline can use '' as the required '' by connecting the module output and input via a pipe:

  <start component="graphtodot" output="dotfile"/>
  <end component="plotgraphviz" input="dotfile"/>

Example: starting with an external input

The introduction of file vessel elements also allows a module or pipeline to be started from a file resource. The 'fileStart' module demonstrates how a module can require an input where the file vessel element indicates an absolute file path:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<module xmlns="" language="R">
  <description>Read the iris data from a CSV file and produce a pie chart of the species</description>
  <input name="datafile">
    <file ref="~/Desktop/iris.csv"/>
    <format formatType="text">CSV file</format>
    <script><![CDATA[data <- read.csv("~/Desktop/iris.csv")
speciesTable <- table(data$Species)
  <output name="species">
    <file ref="Rplot001.png"/>
    <format formatType="text">PNG file</format>

The input, named 'datafile', references a file at path '~/Desktop/iris.csv'. The module source script also uses this full file path. In this way a module author can start a module, and a whole pipeline, from a file resource on her local machine rather than just from a file resource which results from a module output.

URL vessels

Though undocumented, the OpenAPI v0.1 supported the transmission of resources referenced by URLs by declaring a module output or input with an "external" type. OpenAPI v0.3 introduces the capacity to transmit resources referenced by URLs between modules using url-type vessel elements. A url vessel element contains a 'ref' attribute, which contains a URL at which a resource can be resolved over the web via HTTP or HTTPS, and some other network protocols.

The use of a url type vessel for a module input is demonstrated below:

<module language="R">
  <input name="allEpisodes">
    <url ref=""/>

This examples describes a module with an input named 'allEpisodes'. The module source scripts require that a resource be available over HTTPS at the URL given in the url vessel element's 'ref' attribute—''. Such a module could be executed in isolation, or could serve as the start of a pipeline as it requires as input an already existing resource which can be used to start a pipeline.

A module which produces a resource available over the web at a URL can describe this output using a url vessel as follows:

<module language="R">
  <output name="episodeTable">
    <url ref=""/>

This XML describes a module which will produce a resource available over the web at the URL ''. This output is given the name 'episodeTable'. The output name can be used by an OpenAPI glue system to pass this output resource to other modules' inputs through a pipeline.

Example: URL vessels

The 'xfiles_pipeline' pipeline demonstrates how a module can use a url vessel element in a module input. The module file 'xfiles_season1.xml':

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<module xmlns="" language="R">
  <input name="wikiurl">
    <url ref="" />
    <format formatType="text">HTML file</format>
url <- getURL("")
html <- htmlParse(url)
tables <- readHTMLTable(html)
season1 <- tables[[2]]
names(season1) <- gsub("
", " ", names(season1))
season1 <- season1[c(1, 3, 8)]
season1[,1] <- as.numeric(as.character(season1[,1]))
season1[,2] <- as.character(season1[,2])
season1[,3] <- gsub("[[][0-9].]$", "", season1[,3])
season1[,3] <- as.numeric(season1[,3])]]></script>
  <output name="season1">
    <internal symbol="season1"/>
    <format formatType="text">R data frame</format>

This module has an input, named 'wikiurl', which requires a URL resource resolvable at ''. The module can be started from this URL, as in the example of starting a module from a file resource above.

This pipeline also contains a module which produces a URL output, 'season1_html.xml':

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<module xmlns="" language="R" host="conduit@">
  <input name="season1">
    <internal symbol="season1"/>
    <format formatType="text">R data frame</format>
    <url ref=""/>
  <output name="season1_html">
    <url ref=""/>
    <format formatType="text">html file</format>

This module produces an output, 'season1_html', which can be accessed via the URL ''. This output could also be passed to the input of another module requiring a URL resource though a pipe in a pipeline.

Vessel use in module sources

OpenAPI v0.1 described two methods for providing source script through module source elements: by inline scripts, and by reference. OpenAPI v0.3 replaces both methods with the use of a vessel element to indicate module source scripts. The file and url vessel elements described above can both be used inside module source elements to indicate a resource. The 'season1_html.xml' module file provides a source script using a url vessel:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<module xmlns="" language="R" host="conduit@">
  <input name="season1">
    <internal symbol="season1"/>
    <format formatType="text">R data frame</format>
    <url ref=""/>
  <output name="season1_html">
    <url ref=""/>
    <format formatType="text">html file</format>

In this example the module which uses the R language wraps a source script resource available at the URL ''.

In general a module source should be able to consume a resource from any type of vessel which can reference a text document. Module sources cannot contain internal type vessels as there is no native internal object defined for the OpenAPI architecture.

Inline source scripts are also described using a vessel element, script, described below.

Script vessels

In OpenAPI v0.1 source scripts could be provided directly as the content of module source elements, as in the following example:

<module language="R">
  <source><![CDATA[rent.lm <- lm(price ~ suburb + beds, data = aucklandListings)]]>

OpenAPI v0.3 introduces the script-type vessel element with which to wrap source scripts inline within a module's source element. The script element has no attributes, and contains the text source script for use in the module. If the source script contains line breaks or XML control characters it can be wrapped in a CDATA block to preserve these. The module file 'createGraph.xml' uses a script vessel element to wrap an inline source script:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<module xmlns="" language="R">
  <description>Create a simple directed graphNEL graph object with four nodes and four edges</description>
nodes <- c("a", "b", "c", "d")
edgeList <- list(a=list(edges=c("b")),
directedGraph <- new("graphNEL", nodes=nodes, edgeL=edgeList, 
  <output name="directedGraph">
    <internal symbol="directedGraph"/>
    <format formatType="text">R "graphNEL" object</format>

Vessel use in pipelines

Version 0.1 of OpenAPI allowed pipeline authors to reference the contents of a pipeline component in one of two way: by module or pipeline XML wrapped in component element, or by using the component's ref attribute to indicate a file containing the XML. OpenAPI v0.3 retains the use of inline XML, but replaces the use of the ref with the use of vessel elements. The 'test_pipeline' pipeline uses file vessel to reference files containing OpenAPI module XML:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<pipeline xmlns="">
  <component name="module1" type="module">
    <file ref="module1.xml"/>
  <component name="module2" type="module">
    <file ref="module2.xml"/>
    <start component="module1" output="x"/>
    <end component="module2" input="numbers"/>

When a vessel element is used to reference a pipeline or module XML document the parent component must provide a type attribute indicating that the XML document is either a "module" or "pipeline". As of OpenAPI v0.3 either a file or url vessel can be used to indicate an XML document for use as a pipeline component.

It is still possible to provide pipeline or module XML inline. No type attribute is required when inline XML used, as in the example below:

  <component name="m1">
    <module language="R">
      <source><script>x <- rnorm(10)</script></source>
      <output name="x">
        <internal symbol="x"/>
        <format formatType="text">R numeric vector</format>

Module language

Module elements in OpenAPI v0.1 contained platform elements which described the platform in which the module's source scripts were to be executed. A module which wrapped source scripts in the R language was described as follows:

  <platform name="R/>

OpenAPI v0.3 removes the platform element, and replaces it with a 'language' attribute in module elements. The use of "language" better makes explicit what is intended by a module wrapping source scripts: all of a module's source scripts are written in a programming language, e.g. R, Python, or shell. An OpenAPI glue system must be able to execute the code contained in these source scripts, but it is up to the glue system author how this execution is carried out. Thus, while the language of a module's source scripts should be fixed, the platform in which the scripts are executed can vary. OpenAPI v0.3 describes a module's language as follows:

<module language="python">

A module element must declare a language. Hinton and Murrell said of OpenAPI v0.1 that a glue system "must be able to execute the code specified by a module's source elements in the platform specified by the module" (2015a). For OpenAPI v0.3, a glue system must be able to execute the code specified by a module's source elements in the 'language' specified by the module; the platform of execution is up the to the glue system. A glue system should still report if it does not support a module's stated 'language'.

Module host

One of the limitations identified in OpenAPI v0.1 was its inability to support various system and software version dependencies of modules. OpenAPI v0.3 implements support for module hosts—machines on which a module is guaranteed to execute properly—to address this issue.

A module host is a machine which meets the system, software, and version requirements of a module's sources scripts. A host machine should be available to an OpenAPI glue system over a network. The initial implementation of module hosts described in this project expects that the host machine will provide a Linux- or UNIX-like shell environment over the Secure Shell (SSH) network protocol.

An OpenAPI glue system is responsible for connecting with a module's host machine. The glue system should support passing module outputs to a module being executed on a host machine, and executing the module's source scripts on the remote host. A glue system is also responsible for resolving output object locations produced on the remote host and providing these as inputs to other modules, either locally or on other host machines.

A module's host is declared through the optional 'host' attribute in a module element. The 'host' attribute should contain a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) which identifies a networked machine on which the module can be correctly executed. The implementation of module hosts described in this project assumes the SSH scheme. The URI for the host should have the form username@host:port. For example:

<module language="R" host="">

This XML describes a module whose source scripts will be executed on the host a host machine at the address '', accessed via port '2222', logged in as the user 'conduit'.

The SSH protocol requires that a user's connection be authenticated through some method. The improvements to conduit version 0.3 support authentication using an SSH identity keyfile. Authentication via password could also be supported by including a password in the host URI, but this has not been implemented in the improvements to conduit v0.3.

As a module's host machine is accessed using the SSH protocol the machine can be provided in any manner which provides an SSH interface. A glue system does not have to be responsible for provisioning a module's environment, only for access to a host via SSH. A host machine can of course be a physical machine, but it can also be provided by a virtual machine environment. Possible candidates for providing host machines include Docker Engine and Vagrant. Docker Engine is a software application for creating and running Docker containers—wrappers for software applications which can be run in Linux and accessed via SSH (Docker, 2015). Vagrant is an application for creating, configuring and running virtual machine environments, which can also be accessed via SSH (Vagrant, 2014). Configuration files for host machines provided via virtual machines or containers can be easily shared. This means that a module author could share a configuration file, allowing OpenAPI users to provision a module's host machine on their own machine, instead of a module author having to provide access to a machine to module users in perpetuity. The technical requirements appendix describes how to provision a Vagrant machine to be used as a module host machine for many of the example modules in the pipeline examples appendix.

Example: executing a module on a host machine

The 'kmeans.xml' module file is part of the 'irisplots_host' pipeline. The module XML code follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<module xmlns="" language="R" host="conduit@">
  <input name="data">
    <internal symbol="data"/>
    <format formatType="text">R data frame</format>
    <script><![CDATA[clusters <- kmeans(data, 3)]]></script>
  <output name="clusters">
    <internal symbol="clusters"/>
    <format formatType="text">R kmeans object</format>

This module makes use of a host machine, 'conduit@'. When a glue system executes this module it will do so on the host machine at the address provided, accessed via SSH. The glue system will ensure that the input, 'data', is available to the module source script on the host machine. The glue system will also make available the output, 'clusters', to any modules on the local machine where the glue system is called, or any subsequent host machines called by modules.

Example: meeting module dependencies

The 'xfiles_season1.xml' module file in the 'xfiles_pipeline' uses a module host machine to meet the dependencies of the host script. The module XML follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<module xmlns="" language="R" host="conduit@">
  <input name="season1">
    <internal symbol="season1"/>
    <format formatType="text">R data frame</format>
    <url ref=""/>
  <output name="season1_html">
    <url ref=""/>
    <format formatType="text">html file</format>

This module produces a resource which is available over HTTP at the URL ''. Making a resource available over HTTP requires a web server—the host machine given by 'conduit@' provides a web server which can be accessed by the source script when executed on this host. By using a host machine to execute this module's source script the module user is saved the potentially complicated setup of a web server.

The source script for this module—also hosted on the web server of the host machine—contains the following R code:

outfile <- HTMLInitFile(outdir = "/var/www/conduit",
                        filename = "xfiles_season_1",
                        Title = "The X Files Season 1")
HTML("<h1>The X Files Season 1</h1>", outfile)
HTML(season1, outfile, row.names = FALSE)
HTML("Source: <a href=\"\"></a>",

From the source script we can also see that the module requires the R2HTML package to be installed in R. The host machine has the R2HTML package available, and has permitted the 'conduit' user to make changes to the web server's file directory, '/var/www/conduit'.

XML validation

OpenAPI v0.3 has been described in XML Schema files for use in validating pipeline and module XML. These XML Schema documents have been implemented in the version 0.3 of the conduit package (Hinton, 2016), as described in this report, to check the validity of module and pipeline XML files loaded into Conduit.

The XML Schema files for OpenAPI version 0.3 modules and pipelines can be found on the OpenAPI Validation repository at

Running 'wild' source scripts

One of the OpenAPI architecture's aims is to provide a simple way of wrapping, connecting and executing existing data scripts—'wild' scripts—without script authors having written their code with OpenAPI in mind. This is similar to Berners-Lee's original proposal for what would become the world wide web, in which he insisted that hypertext would only succeed if it could access existing data. Berners-Lee wrote of hypertext, "what is required is a gateway program which will map an existing structure onto the hypertext model" (1989). OpenAPI, too, intends to map existing data sets, data analysis code, workflows, and outputs onto the OpenAPI architecture. However, as discussed in an earlier section, version 0.1 of the OpenAPI architecture had several problems which made it difficult to easily wrap 'wild' source scripts. This section demonstrates how the changes in OpenAPI version 0.3 make it possible to meet this aim.

Wrapping and subsetting a simple source script

In an earlier section we described an R script taken from the STATS 330 course at the University of Auckland (Klaere, 2015). This script file was distributed through the course website for students to examine and execute the code used by Klaere in his lecture slides. The first 32 lines of this script follow:

### STATS 330/762 - Lecture 3: Graphics
### 23/07/2015
### Dr. Steffen Klaere
### Supplementary Code
### NEEDS: hb1.csv and fever_data.csv

### Change working directory
# Adapt to your own needs
setwd("<Your Directory>")

### Packages

### First example, Exchange rates
exchange <- read.csv("hb1.csv")
exchange[,1] <- as.Date(sapply(exchange[,1],function(x){paste(1,x)}),format="%d %B %Y")
plot(USD~month,data=exchange,type="l",lwd=4,col="steelblue",xlab="Date",ylab="Exchange rate",main="Exchange rate between US$ and NZ$")

### Monthly rate of change <- sapply(2:nrow(exchange),function(i){log(exchange[i,2])-log(exchange[i-1,2])})
xvec <- seq(-0.2,0.1,length=100)

# Draw histogram
# density plots

The following module XML code shows how this script can be wrapped in an OpenAPI v0.3 module file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<module xmlns="" language="R">
  <description>Run the first example from STATS 330 lecture 3, returning the first two plots as PNG files</description>
  <input name="source_script">
    <file ref="~/Desktop/330_Lecture3_2015.R"/>
    <format formatType="text">R script</format>
  <input name="data">
    <file ref="~/Desktop/hb1.csv"/>
    <format formatType="text">CSV file</format>
    <file ref="subsettingScript.R"/>
  <output name="exchange_rate">
    <file ref="exchange_rate.png"/>
    <format formatType="text">PNG file</format>
  <output name="data_dens">
    <file ref="data_dens.png"/>
    <format formatType="text">PNG file</format>

The original script file contains a data input step, at line 19, where the CSV file 'hb1.csv' is read into the R session. The module XML above references this CSV file as one of its inputs using a file-type vessel element. This input has been given the name 'data', and its file-type vessel indicates it will consume a file resource found on the local machine at '~/Desktop/hb1.csv'.

The original script produces—when executed in batch mode—PDF files of plots at line 21 and at lines 29–32. However, the author of this module XML would like to produce PNG files rather than PDF files, which means the source file must be changed. Rather than edit the source script directly, however, the use of module input vessel elements allows the module author to operate on the source script using the language in which the script is written. In the XML code above the module author names a module input, 'source_script', which uses a file-type vessel element to indicate that the module requires a file resource at '~/Desktop/330_Lecture3_2015.R'. The module XML above also contains a source element which requires a file resource at 'subsettingScript.R'. The contents of 'subsettingScript.R' follow:

full_script <- readLines("~/Desktop/330_Lecture3_2015.R")
full_script[19] <- "exchange = read.csv(\"~/Desktop/hb1.csv\")"
full_script[21] <- paste("png(\"exchange_rate.png\")",
                         sep = "; ")
full_script[29] <- "png(\"data_dens.png\")"
subset <- full_script[16:33]

eval(parse(text = subset))

The orignal R script, '330_Lecture3_2015.R', referenced by the module input 'source_script', is consumed in line 1 of the 'subsettingScript.R' script, and given the symbol 'full_script'. The 'full_script' object is then modified in the following ways: the data step line in the original source is modified to consume the local file referenced by the module input 'data'; the plotting step at line 21 of the 'source_script' is wrapped in new code to produce a PNG file when executed; and the code which produces a PDF file on line 29 of 'source_script' is modified to produce a PNG file. Lines 16–33 of the altered 'source_script' are given the symbol 'subset'. Finally this subset of the original 'source_script' is executed using the eval function.

time series plot of exchange rate

Figure 2: exchange_rate.png: graphic produced by exchange_rates module

When executed, the module source script given in 'subsettingScript.R' will produced two PNG files—'exchange_rate.png' and 'data_dens.png'. The module XML above indicates that the module will produce these files by naming two outputs, 'exchange_rate' and 'data_dens', each of which references the filenames of the PNG files produced using file-type vessel elements.

This example demonstrates how the file-type vessel elements introduced in OpenAPI version 0.3 make it easier to wrap a 'wild' source script in an OpenAPI module. A file-type vessel element is also used to indicate the 'wild' script as one of the module's inputs—doing so allows a module author to make changes to the source script without having to create an altered copy of the script. This method allows a module author to modify, subset, and customise original source scripts to suit the module being written.

The full module and pipeline XML for this example, can be found in the 'exchangeRates' section. The pipeline produces the graphic seen in figure 2. The 'exchangeRates' pipeline was executed in conduit v0.3 with the following code:

exchangeRates <- loadModule(
    name = "exchangeRates",
    ref = "examples/subsetting/exchange_rates.xml")
outputs <- runModule(exchangeRates)

The next section examines 'wild' scripts which are not made available as simple script files.

Wrapping a blog post

One of the major difficulties with wrapping 'wild' scripts in OpenAPI is that often data analysis code is not shared as a script file—rather it is embedded and discussed on web pages and in blog posts. The following example demonstrates how the code in a blog post at—see figure 3 for a screen capture of the blog post—can be captured and exectuted by OpenAPI v0.3.

A blog post with code chunks

Figure 3: Screen capture of blog post wrapped in 'ukCommuterErsatz' pipeline

The pipeline example below wraps and executes the code in a blog post called 'Mapping Flows in R', which was posted at (Cheshire, 2015). At the time writing the pipeline there was a technical issue with the site hosting the post which meant the R code was displayed incorrectly, so a blog network feed syndicating the post was used in the pipeline instead— As if to demonstrate the ephemeral nature of the web the syndicating page changed its format at the time of this report being written, which led to the example below to be based on an archived copy of the blog post. The original code for this pipeline can be found in the 'ukCommuter' section; the code used in this example can be found in the 'ukCommuterErsatz' section.

The following XML file 'extract_scripts.xml' shows how the blog post is wrapped in a module:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<module xmlns="" language="R">
  <description>extract R code from blog post (actually from mirror at|%20The%20CASA%20Blog%20Network.html)</description>
  <input name="blog">
    <url ref="|%20The%20CASA%20Blog%20Network.html"/>
    <format formatType="text">html file</format>

## extract source article from category feed
source_lines <-
heading <- grep("<h1 class=\"entry-title\">[[:print:]]*", source_lines)
start <- grep("^[ ]*<article", source_lines)
start <- start[start < heading]
start <- start[length(start)]
end <- grep("</article>", source_lines)
end <- end[end > start][1]
source_lines <- source_lines[start:end]

## save a local copy of the article
writeLines(source_lines, "source_lines.txt")

## extract code chunks
code_start <- grep("<code>", source_lines)
code_end <- grep("</code>", source_lines)
code_lines <- lapply(seq_along(code_start),
                     function (i, start, end) {
                         seq(start[i] + 1, end[i] - 1)
                     }, code_start, code_end)

code <- lapply(code_lines,
               function(x, src) {
                   c(gsub("<br />", "", src[x]), "")
               }, source_lines)

## remove rogue tags and replace characters
code <- lapply(X=code, FUN=gsub, pattern="&lt;", replace="<")
code <- lapply(X=code, FUN=gsub, pattern="&gt;", replace=">")
code <- lapply(X=code, FUN=gsub, pattern="<br>", replace="")

## save code chunks as R scripts
data_script <- unlist(code[2:5])
writeLines(data_script, "data_script.R")
graphics_script <- unlist(code[c(1, 6:10)])[-c(1, 3)]
graphics_script <- 
    c(graphics_script, "ggsave(file = \"ukCommuterGraphic.png\")")
writeLines(graphics_script, "graphics_script.R")]]></script>
  <output name="">
    <url ref=""/>
    <format formatType="text">zip file</format>
  <output name="msoa_popweightedcentroids.csv">
    <url ref=""/>
    <format formatType="text">CSV file</format>
  <output name="raw_source">
    <file ref="source_lines.txt"/>
    <format formatType="text">txt file</format>
  <output name="data_script">
    <file ref="data_script.R"/>
    <format formatType="text">R script</format>
  <output name="graphics_script">
    <file ref="graphics_script.R"/>
    <format formatType="text">R script</format>

This module has one input, named 'blog', which requires a resource available at the URL '|%20The%20CASA%20Blog%20Network.html'. The module source consumes the file at this URL, and writes a copy of this file to disk as 'source_lines.txt'. The module source script extracts the lines of code from the blog post and tidies the code for execution. The code is split into two objects, called 'data_script' and 'graphics_script'. These objects are saved as files 'data_script.R' and 'graphics_script.R' respectively. The three files created by the module source are named as module outputs 'raw_source', 'data_script', and 'graphics_script' respectively. The module also names two other outputs, '' and 'msoa_popweightedcentroids.csv', which reference the URLs of two data files required by the code in the blog post.

By using a module input with a url-type vessel element indicating the original blog post OpenAPI 0.3 allows a module author to not only wrap and execute the code contained in a blog post, but also to maintain a connection to the original blog post. In this way a module can be updated when its input file is updated. Producing the source code of the original blog resource as an output allows a module author to preserve a blog post as it was when the code was executed. Passing the extracted code out as module outputs allows the module author to preserve the code content of a blog post in an executable form, which can now be passed to another module.

The original blog post mentions that the resource called '' in the module XML above needs to be unzipped for the code to be executed. The module XML file 'extract_flow_data.xml' extracts this data from its zip file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<module xmlns="" language="R">
  <description>Download UK flow data and unzip to make available as local file -|%20The%20CASA%20Blog%20Network.html</description>
  <input name="">
    <url ref=""/>
    <format formatType="text">zip file</format>
    <script><![CDATA[download.file("", "")
unzip("", files = "wu03ew_v1.csv")]]></script>
  <output name="data">
    <file ref="wu03ew_v1.csv"/>
    <format formatType="text">CSV file</format>

The 'ukCommuterErsatz' pipeline connects the '' output from the module file 'extract_scripts.xml' to the corresponding input of the above module, which then returns the uncompressed CSV file as a module output, named 'wu03ew_v1.csv'. The data scripts embedded in the blog post should now have all the inputs required for execution. A module XML file, 'set_coords.xml', receives and executes the 'data_script' output from 'extract_scripts.xml' above, and the 'uk_flow_graphic.xml' module XML file executes the 'graphics_script' output, producing the graphic shown in figure 4. The full details of this pipeline can be seen in the 'ukCommuterErsatz' section. The 'ukCommuterErsatz' pipeline is executed in conduit v0.3 using the following code:

ukCommuterErsatz <- loadPipeline("ukCommuterErsatz",
outputs <- runPipeline(ukCommuterErsatz, targetDirectory = tempdir())
map of UK commuter routes

Figure 4: ukCommuterGraphic.png: graphic produced by the 'ukCommuterErsatz' pipeline

The introduction of url- and file-type vessel elements in OpenAPI v0.3 has made it possible to "execute" a blog post, as in the example above. Ordinarily the code in a blog post requires some manipulation to execute, and it is almost never as simple as copying, pasting, and running the code. As in the example here, data analysis code in blog posts can be presented in fragments, with data and software requirements described both pragmatically in the code and in the text of the blog post itself, as with the input files in this example. By wrapping a blog post in an OpenAPI module the author provides an interface to a blog post which allows the repeated execution of the code on different machines. The module file 'extract_scripts.xml' in the 'ukCommuterErsatz' pipeline above provides access to not just the blog post's code, but to its input files. This allows for re-use, not just of the script, but of the inputs themselves.

The 'ukResponseErsatz' pipeline re-uses the input resources extracted from the blog post in the 'ukCommuterErsatz' pipeline. The 'ukResponseErsatz' pipeline wraps a blog post, 'Mapping Flows in R ... with data.table and lattice' (Perpiñán Lamigueiro, 2015), which demonstrates another method of producing a graphic like the one in Cheshire (2015) using the same data sources—a screen grab of this blog post can be seen in figure 5. The 'ukResponseErsatz' pipeline is derived from the 'ukResponse' pipeline to preserve this example against the shifting sands of online resources.

A blog post with code chunks

Figure 5: Screen capture of blog post wrapped in 'ukResponseErsatz' pipeline

The module XML file 'extract_script.xml' follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<module xmlns="" language="R">
  <description>extract R code from gist linked in blog post|%20Omnia%20sunt%20Communia!.html</description>
  <input name="blog">
    <url ref="|%20Omnia%20sunt%20Communia!.html"/>
    <format formatType="text">html file</format>
    <script><![CDATA[## extract gist url from blog
page <- readLines(textConnection(getURL("|%20Omnia%20sunt%20Communia!.html")))
line <- page[grep("<a href=\"", page)[1]]
gist_url <- strsplit(line, "href=\"")[[1]][2]
gist_url <- strsplit(gist_url, "/raw")[[1]][1]

## clone gist
local_path <- file.path(getwd(), "gist")
dir.create(local_path, recursive=TRUE)
system2("git", c("clone", gist_url, local_path))]]></script>
  <output name="script">
    <file ref="gist/mappingFlows.R"/>
    <format formatType="text">R script</format>

This module has a single input, named 'blog', which indicates a resource at the URL '|%20Omnia%20sunt%20Communia!.html' —the blog post. The source script of the module retrieves the blog post, and locates a line in the post which refers to a git repository where the post's code is available. The module source script clones this repository, and labels a script of R code as its sole output, named 'script'. As in the previous example we have wrapped a blog post, this time one which shares data analysis code by embedding the contents of a git repository, and provided this script as an output for execution in other modules. The 'ukResponseErsatz' pipeline passes the inputs from the previous example and this data script to the module 'mapping_flows.xml' for execution. The graphic produced by this pipeline can be seen in figure 6. The code used to execute the 'ukRsponseErsatz' pipeline in conduit v0.3 follows:

ukResponseErsatz <- loadPipeline("ukResponseErsatz",
outputs <- runPipeline(ukResponseErsatz, targetDirectory = tempdir())
map of UK commuter routes

Figure 6: ukResponseGraphic.png: graphic produced by the 'ukResponseErsatz' pipeline

See 'ukResponseErsatz' for full details of the module and pipeline XML used in this example..

We have demonstrated how OpenAPI v0.3 allows module authors to write modules which provide an interface to the resources described in a blog post, and to re-use these resources as inputs to another script, also provided by an interface to a related blog post. Wrapping and labelling code and data resources in OpenAPI modules and pipelines allows an author to update her workflow as these online resources are updated. Using OpenAPI as a wrapper around online resources makes them executable in a way which is often not possible directly from a web browser. OpenAPI modules and pipelines also present a method for embedding and sharing data sets and data analyses online, as it provides a means for readers to run and experiment with code, and to extend data workflows.


The OpenAPI project offers a software solution to the problem of helping people to connect with data. Version 0.1 of OpenAPI had several problems in its specification which made it difficult to author new modules and pipelines, and to wrap existing data analysis scripts in OpenAPI modules. Vessel elements, including file-, url-, script-, and internal-type vessels, were introduced in version 0.3 of OpenAPI. These elements provide a uniform mechanism for referencing module input and output resources, module source scripts, and pipeline components. The use of vessel elements has made authoring OpenAPI modules easier, and made OpenAPI modules better suited to adapting 'wild' data analysis scripts. Version 0.3 of OpenAPI also includes the introduction of module 'host' machines. These machines provide a stable environment for executing module source scripts which meet the module's software and version dependencies. XML Schema for OpenAPI module and pipeline XML files were also introduced in OpenAPI v0.3. These provide a mechanism for ensuring that module and pipeline XML is valid. The changes in OpenAPI v0.3 were implemented in version 0.3 of the R package conduit, a prototype OpenAPI glue system.

The changes introduced in OpenAPI v0.3 have made it much easier for module authors to wrap 'wild' data analysis scripts which have not been written with OpenAPI in mind. This report demonstrated several examples of how such existing scripts can be wrapped and executed in OpenAPI. Several examples also demonstrate how data analysis scripts can be subsetted and modified for execution in OpenAPI in a way which preserves the source material, and leverages the features of the script's coding language.

Future work on the OpenAPI architecture could include publishing a recommendation or specification for OpenAPI glue systems, to assist glue system developers in implementing OpenAPI features. More work also remains to be done in the implementation of module 'host' machines, including implementing a standard way for glue systems to authenticate connections with host machines. The method for remote host authentication implemented in OpenAPI and conduit versions 0.3 is not well documented, and is not intended as a canonical model for all host connections. It would be desireable to implement standard interfaces for SSH keys and passwords. In particular, work remains to be done on conduit's implementation of module 'host' machines, including the way input and output objects are made available to various machines. There are also several other potential candidates for vessel elements which could be implemented in future versions of OpenAPI, including sockets and websockets.

The conduit package is very much a work in progress, and much remains to be implemented, documented, tested and improved in future versions.

This project was funded in full by an Ockham Foundation Postgraduate Scholarship in Statistics. The author expresses his sincere thanks to the Ockham Foundation for making this work possible.


Adler, D., Murdoch, D., & others. (2015). Rgl: 3D visualization using OpenGL (Version 0.95.1337). Retrieved from

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Carey, V., Long, L., & Gentleman, R. (n.d.). RBGL: An interface to the BOOST graph library (Version 1.44.0). Retrieved from

Cheshire, J. (2015, March 30). Mapping flows in R. Retrieved October 4, 2015, from

Csardi, G., Jefferis, G., Hester, J., Ram, K., & Widgren, S. (2015). Git2r: Provides access to git repositories (Version 0.10.1). Retrieved from

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Docker. (2015). Docker engine. Retrieved from

Dowle, M., Srinivasan, A., Short, T., R Saporta, S. L. with contributions from, & Antonyan, E. (2015). Data.table: Extension of data.frame (Version 1.9.6). Retrieved from

Gansner, E. R., & North, S. C. (2000). An open graph visualization system and its applications to software engineering. SOFTWARE - PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCE, 30(11), 1203–1233. Retrieved from

Gentleman, R., Whalen, E., Huber, W., & Falcon, S. (n.d.). Graph: A package to handle graph data structures (Version 1.46.0).

Hansen, K. D., Gentry, J., Long, L., Gentleman, R., Falcon, S., Hahne, F., & Sarkar, D. (n.d.). Rgraphviz: Provides plotting capabilities for R graph objects (Version 2.12.0).

Hashicorp. (2015, July 17). Vagrant (Version 1.7.4). Retrieved from

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Technical requirements

The sections of R code demonstrated in this report were executed in R version 3.2.3 (R Core Team, 2015) on an Ubuntu Linux 15.10 (Ubuntu, 2015) 64-bit machine.

Version 0.3 of the conduit package (Hinton, 2016) was used to execute the pipeline examples in this report. The conduit package requires the following R packages:

The machine used to execute the pipeline examples had graphviz version 2.38.0 (Gansner & North, 2000) installed. The following R packages are also required to execute the example pipelines:

Several of the pipeline and modules example require a host machine; this host machine is provide by a virtual machine running Vagrant version 1.7.4 (Hashicorp, 2015) and VirtualBox version 5.0.14 (Oracle Corporation, 2016). The configuration files for this machine are available from This machine can be installed and started using the following commands in a Linux terminal:

## download machine configuration files
git clone --branch 2015honsReport

## start host machine
cd vagrant-conduit
vagrant up

This may take some time on the first run, as Vagrant will download a system image, and install the necessary packages on the host machine. Once the vagrant machine has finished booting for the first time you will need to add the machine's SSH key to your ~/.ssh/known_hosts file for the pipeline examples to work. This only needs to be done once, with:

## add host machine to known hosts
ssh-keyscan -H -p 2222 >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

The host machine can be stopped with the command vagrant halt, and started again with the command vagrant up. More information on running Vagrant machines can be found on the Vagrant website at

Pipeline examples



Pipeline: examples/simpleGraph/pipeline.xml

Execute pipeline in conduit

## Loading required package: methods
## Attaching package: 'conduit'
## The following object is masked from 'package:base':
##     pipe
simpleGraph <-
    loadPipeline(name = "simpleGraph",
                 ref = "examples/simpleGraph/pipeline.xml")
outputs <- runPipeline(simpleGraph)
## [1] TRUE
Node and edge graph produced by simpleGraph pipeline

Figure 7: example.png: graphic produced by simpleGraph pipeline



Pipeline: examples/shellExample/pipeline.xml

Execute pipeline in conduit

shellExample <-
    loadPipeline(name = "shellExample",
                 ref = "examples/shellExample/pipeline.xml")
output <- runPipeline(shellExample)
## [1] TRUE
node and edge graph

Figure 8: simpleGraph.png: graphic produced by shellExample pipeline


Module: examples/fileStart/fileStart.xml

Execute module in conduit

fileStart <-
    loadModule(name = "fileStart",
               ref = "examples/fileStart/fileStart.xml")
outputs <- runModule(fileStart, targetDirectory = "modules")
## [1] TRUE
pie chart

Figure 9: Rplot001.png: graphic produced by fileStart module



Source script found at examples/xfiles_pipeline/season1_html.R

Pipeline: examples/xfiles_pipeline/pipeline.xml

Execute pipeline in conduit

xfiles_pipeline <-
    loadPipeline(name = "xfiles_pipeline",
                 ref = "examples/xfiles_pipeline/pipeline.xml")
output <- runPipeline(xfiles_pipeline)
## [1] TRUE
screen grab of X Files season 1 web page

Figure 10: xfiles_season1.html: web page produced by xfiles_pipeline



Pipeline: examples/irisplots_host/pipeline.xml

Execute pipeline in conduit

irisplots_host <-
    loadPipeline(name = "irisplots_host",
                 ref = "examples/irisplots_host/pipeline.xml")
outputs <- runPipeline(irisplots_host)
## [1] TRUE
scattermatrix plot

Figure 11: scattermatrix.png: graphic produced by irisplots_host


Module: examples/subsetting/exchange_rates.xml

Source script: examples/subsetting/subsettingScript.R

Execute module in conduit

exchangeRates <- loadModule(
    name = "exchangeRates",
    ref = "examples/subsetting/exchange_rates.xml")
outputs <- runModule(exchangeRates, targetDirectory = "modules")
## [1] TRUE
time series plot of exchange rate

Figure 12: exchange_rate.png: graphic produced by exchange_rates module



Pipeline: examples/ukCommuter/pipeline.xml



Pipeline: examples/ukCommuterErsatz/pipeline.xml

Execute pipeline in conduit

ukCommuterErsatz <- loadPipeline("ukCommuterErsatz",
outputs <- runPipeline(ukCommuterErsatz, targetDirectory = tempdir())
## [1] TRUE
map of UK commuter routes

Figure 13: ukCommuterGraphic.png: graphic produced by ukCommuterErsatz pipeline



Pipeline: examples/ukResponse/pipeline.xml



Pipeline: examples/ukResponseErsatz/pipeline.xml

Execute pipeline in conduit

ukResponseErsatz <- loadPipeline("ukResponseErsatz",
outputs <- runPipeline(ukResponseErsatz, targetDirectory = tempdir())
## [1] TRUE
map of UK commuter routes

Figure 14: ukResponseGraphic.png: graphic produced by ukResponseErsatz pipeline

Creative Commons License
OpenAPI version 0.3: Improving the OpenAPI architecture by Ashley Noel Hinton and Paul Murrell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.